Friday, October 5, 2012

Alaska State Fair

So if we ever leave Alaska, I got to cross of one thing off my Alaska bucket list this summer. The Alaska State Fair! People come from all over the world to see our State Fair. And why not, we have vegetables the size of people! Unfortunately we kept missing that building so I didn't get any pictures of it.
 This is probably one of the only chances kids up here get to ride a Carousel. There aren't any up here permanently.  Reagan was all for that. The trucks are the only thing we could get Daniel to ride and only with much coaxing. Unfortunately the picture with him won't load for some reason.
 If you look closely you can see a seal out of the hedge.
We saw all kinds of animals, this was a baby Tiger. The Zoo up here doesn't have  a lot of different animals so this was a good chance for my kids to see different animals they don't usually see. The zoo here though was were I got to see my first camel with 2 humps. They are a cold weather animal.
This clown was from Calgary Canada. We get a lot of Canadians here in Alaska. Small wonder. The kids really enjoyed her show.
There were lots of music shows from all over but I couldn't get the kids to stay in one place to listen. We enjoyed the farm animals though Reagan couldn't wait to get out of there as she was not keen on the smell. She loved parts of the crafty building, all the dolls  on display and clothes. I loved seeing the quilts. The were absolutely amazing to me.
Hopefully next year we'll see the vegetables and you'll get to see the pictures as they really are amazing.

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