Monday, June 18, 2012

Fun with Reagan

I try when I can, to do some fun things with Reagan while Daniel is in therapy. She sees him doing all these things that look fun to her (they're work for Daniel) and she really wants to join in. Unfortunately most of his therapists don't allow that for obvious reasons.
For a Social Skills playgroup Daniel's involved in we are stuck in Eagle River for a couple hours once a week and I have no idea what to do there. Luckily the library has special shows at the same time he is in his playgroup. This week they had professional puppet masters come and put on the Wizard of Oz. 
I wasn't able to get pictures of the actual puppet show because the lighting and my Iphone weren't compatible. But it was a really good production.

That's Reagan's head. They came out and told about the puppets and how they worked and how the show was made afterwards. Reagan was very interested in what was going on behind the stage. She's not one to leave much to mystery. They let us go backstage and see things back there and all the puppets. It was really fun. I think they have a magician next week.
Another favorite thing of Reagan's to do is go shopping. She likes to tell me what would look good on me. (She does it to Paul too on Sunday mornings when he's getting ready for church and won't let him wear certain ties with certain shirts.) 
So this is what we found on our latest shopping trip. (Not that she needed anymore church dresses.) This picture does not do this dress justice. We found it on the clearance rack and I was dumbfounded it had ever made it to the clearance rack as it is a gorgeous dress. She looks stunning in it.

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