My daughter Reagan is well on her way to having to join "shoeaholics anonymous". She LOVES shoes! In particular her black shinny Sunday shoes. She can find them wherever I hide them. But it also doesn't matter if she can't find them, she will try on her shoes all day long. As soon as I get her out of her p.j.'s in the mornings she must have shoes on immediately. In her opinion they should never come off except to put on another pair. Tonight while in the bathtub she wanted them with her and put on.
Where did this little girl come from? Her mother owns about 5 pairs of shoes total and is not very attached to any of them (okay maybe my Birkenstocks but that is purely for comfort reasons). The love of shoes must come from her Dad. He has at least 30 pairs (no I'm not kidding). In his defense a lot of them are army issued but he still has a lot.
Family and Friends
The Klondike Derby9 years ago
Sunday clothes11 years ago
Gimme' Some Love11 years ago
He's 5!11 years ago
The Summer So Far11 years ago
January 201312 years ago
A day at the pool......12 years ago
Portland 201113 years ago
First Day of School...13 years ago
U2 concert 201113 years ago
Till we meet again14 years ago
One day at a time15 years ago
Friday, September 4, 2009
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Miss Regan needs to come to our house. We are all addicted to shoes. She could sit all day by our shoe rack and try on shoes :)