Tuesday, November 17, 2009

I have fallen in love with...

Coupons!! I have never been a coupon person as generally I found they were for things I wouldn't normally buy or if I would buy them the off brand would be cheaper. Add to that that for a while the commissary (the military grocery store) wouldn't accept coupons printed off the internet. If I came across a coupon for something I would normally buy I would go ahead and use it but that was far and few between.
Well since moving here I have met a new friend named Nichole and she runs a blog Alaska Coupon Diva with a friend and I have fallen in love with it. She inspired me with her stories of going to Target and buying $100 worth of stuff and only paying $30. Her site focuses on a lot of deals we get here in AK but a lot of them are nationwide. I also found out about Dolly Parton's foundation Imagination Library through this site. Dolly Parton set up a foundation to foster reading in kids that provides children with free books to keep from ages 0-5. Check it out and see if your community has it. I've signed my kids up and I can't wait for the books. Free children's books once a month. What could be better?
Yesterday I went to the commissary and Target. At both places I saved $15 each with coupons, and while I bought more of the items than I would have normally (some of the coupons you had to buy two of the items) it is all stuff I use all the time and would have to buy again anyway. I probably could have saved more at Target if I had spent some more time researching as Target will accept one of their coupons and a manufacture's coupon for the same item. But my favorite thing? I had 2-$2 coupons from Welch's.com for sparkling grape juice and it only cost $1.89 a bottle at the commissary. So I got 2 bottles of Welch's sparkling grape juice for absolutely free and the $.22 that was left over from that went towards my other groceries! Can I tell you that that just makes me really happy?!!
Just wanted to share my happiness!


  1. Glad we made you so happy! Thanks for the shout out!

  2. You should also check

    The do all of the work for you so you don't have to search out the deals. Plus they organize their site by state and even have a military commissary link. The only thing is you have to purchase multiple newspapers to obtain the coupons (or get them from neighbors who don't want them) and you hang onto your coupons until the site picks up on a sale. You will end up with a lot of deals like you got on your juice. You will find that you end up buying a lot more of things that you use but the idea is to stock up so that when those items are not on sale you already have them! Coupons are great. Hope you can use the info.
