Wednesday, November 30, 2011

It's Definately Winter in Alaska

It's definitely winter time here in Alaska.  This post has been a bit delayed. But here is one of my snow angels. 
This was taken after just the first week or so of snow. We have received MUCH more since then. Even as I write this it is coming down in great big flakes. We have to have received at least 4 feet by now. I think we've had as much snow in this month of November than we've had all year last year. One of the things that really surprised me coming to Anchorage is how coastal the weather is. Think Seattle with all the rain. Our summers are filled with rain and our winters are filled with snow. Lots of precipitation around here.One of the differences of winter up here that is different from most of the lower 48 states, is that once it snows, it stays. You don't see the ground until "breakup". Breakup is a special season that we have up here in the north. It's from March til May when all the ice breaks up and the snow melts. Occasionally in the winter we get weather warm enough to melt a little bit of snow  but by that time there's so much snow it doesn't make much of a difference.
My other snow angel.

This next one was taken from my living room. It was a cloudy day so you can't see the mountains behind the trees but I really have the most beautiful view. You would never know that I live in the middle of a city. You can't see houses from my windows. Only trees and mountains. It's absolutely gorgeous!
 This year we have been able to get outside a bit more this winter as Reagan is bigger and can handle the cold a little better but for about the last week we've stayed inside much to Daniel's dismay. When the temperature is in the single digits during the day, Mom's not so keen on playing outside. Paul just left a few days ago for Georgia and the people there think he's crazy for not wearing a coat. But hey when you left 1 degree weather and went to 60 degree weather (that's about what summer's are for us) you don't need a coat.

 Our backyard in small in length but long in width and has a nice steep hill at one end. After we groomed the slope for sledding Reagan and Daniel found this spot and just sat down. It made great seats for sledding.

I should have taken video of Reagan and Daniel coming down the hill. Reagan's giggles were SO cute to hear. One of Alaska's claims to fame (Utah you better watch out), is the powdery snow. It's almost impossible to make a snowman unless you poor water on it. So that is something we have yet to do. But there is a world class ski resort down the road. Anyone want to come visit and go ski? It's not always 1degree. Today it was supposed to be in the low 30's.

Friday, November 11, 2011

Paul's Military Awards

Last Saturday night we went to Paul's Military Unit's Christmas party. I'm not sure why they had it in the the first week of November but the food was good. We were kept up all night by drunk phone calls from soldiers but I guess that was to be expected. That night Paul was awarded the Alaska Commendation Medal pictured here. This was awarded to him for his service as the Non-Commisioned Officer in charge of the Joint Operation Center for the Alaska Air and Army Guard for the past year. They really appreciated the things he was able to put into place while he was there and the work that he did. He ended that job and went back to his regular job at Customs and Border Protection October 1st.

Another recent addtion to his uniform which he is very proud of it the German Marksmanship award and German Jump Wings pictured here. The wings are the ones  above the red bar and the Marksmanship award is the gold medalion with the braid. In order to get the Jump Wings Paul had to jump out of an airplane with a German jumpmaster telling them when to jump. For the Marksmanship, Paul had to shoot at a certain level of proficency with the Germans to be awarded it. There was a unit from Germany up here several months ago doing joint training, so he was able to do this then. Paul served a 2 year mission for our church in Germany and loves all things German so these mean a lot to him.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

My Latest Creation

For the last week I've been a little obsessed with finishing this dress and hat for a friend who is getting ready to have a baby. It took me about a week and I really think it turned out beautifully. I got the pattern off the Crochet Garden website. I've been wanting to try something from there for a very long time as her patterns are gorgeous!    This one is called the Juliet dress. It didn't have sleeves so those I made up on my own. The hat turned out slightly different as I didn't put as much wire into it, but I love it as is as it looks like more of a bonnet. This is the back of the hat.
 And this is the front of the hat. I'm now working on a dress (same pattern) for Reagan. She is desperately waiting for it. Hm... I wonder if my neices would like one for Christmas?

Monday, November 7, 2011

Ghosts for V's

Last week one of the letters that Daniel was working on was the letter V. As he was writing them he said there were ghosts in the V's and proceeded to draw them. Here is what he drew.
 I really didn't see it until I looked at it upside down. Take another look at this ghosts. He drew them upside down and they actually look like ghosts! For him to draw anything spontaneously is huge for him. And for them to actually look like what he was drawing was an added bonus.
The fact that it was drawn upside down, well I'm not sure what to make of that. The week before last he wrote his name on the chalkboard backwards and upside down with no effort at all. I couldn't even begin to do that. Maybe it has something to do with him wanting to do the opposite of everything in his school work. He wants to read all his long vowels as short vowels, not because he doesn't know how to read them but just because he wants to do everything opposite right now.