Thursday, January 12, 2012

Christmas 2011

The kids and I were in Missouri over Christmas. It was nice to see family. My sisters Erin (Springfield MO) and April (Falls Church VA) were home too. Some how we never got pictures of Erin but here's a few for those of you who have been asking for pictures.

Daniel Christmas Day. New white shirt from Grandma Lois. The pants he'd gotten previously from her as well. The vest was my brother Jonathan's that he grew out of and Daniel was very happy to be able to wear Uncle Johnny's clothes.

Reagan Christmas Day. The hat and purse my sister April brought back from her trip to Scotland this year. The dress was a gift from my parents and the pearls were borrowed off my other sisters...

Reagan and Auntie (April) sharing a special moment.

 Auntie with her kids.
Reagan got lots of clothes for Christmas so she was well attired for her entire trip.
One of the highlights of my trip- Meeting my nephew Nicholas for the first time. My sister Renee met Daniel and I for lunch on a run into Sprinfield to the doctor for an ear infection Daniel had while we were there.

Nicholas is almost 3 and Daniel and he both had toys they had gotten for Christmas and weren't so sure they wanted to share but they wanted the other's toys.

 One of Daniel's favorite moments. Pumpkin Pie with whipped cream! The food as usual was awesome. If you know anything about my family you know that good food is very important to us and that it abounds on the premises.
One of Daniel's other favorite moments was that he got to go milk the cow everyday and that he could squirt Aunt Eliza with the milk. He laughed and laughed about that.

Aunt Emma and Reagan. Paul has said many times that Reagan is a lot like her Aunt Emma in a few ways. We discovered how true this was while we were there. There were a couple of cat fights as Emma and Reagan both wanted to be the boss and neither wanted to follow.

This one is precious to me. What 12 year old uncle brushes his neice's hair?
The weather was awesome while we were there. It rained only once and seriously had to be in the high 50's. I took a nap on the porch one day and almost got sunburned. Since 50 degree weather is summer weather for Alaska, it was a nice break before we came back to sub zero temps and snow and more snow.
The only disapointing things were that David and Tiffany and Renee and Nicholas didn't make it. And that April only played me one round of Monopoly. I think she was afraid if we played again she wouldn't win.

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